Maps of trip july 11-30
below is map of trip stops from 7-11 to 7-26. Niagara falls side trip was by rental car while boat sat at brewerton

1st leg of the Great Loop Boat trip [] starts 6-24-07 in VA. Then N to Philadelphia to pick up our 22 year old son. Then to New York City to see the July 4 fireworks at the Statue of Liberty. Then drop off Josh and pick up Amy, our 21 year old for a week across NY Erie Canal. Then we pick up my brother and his wife for a week in Syracuse July 12, heading north through the Trent-Severn waterway from Lake Ontario to Lake Huron. We ended Aug. 8 at Green Bay, WI.
need to upload more of carols' picktures.
We spent one night in Clayton on the St. Lawrence and headed over to Boldt Caslte on Heart Island for a tour. You can boat right up to the island or take a tour boat. It was a pretty amazing place to walk through.
We hit some wood in the Erie and pretty much wiped out the props. Sandy had a spare set (actually he had 3 props, a set of 2 and an extra) so he changed the props in the water. Amy hopped in to help
Picture of what was left of the props. I repost this now because we have had a 4-5 day layover on Rice Lake for a rebuild of upper AND lower outdrives. They made it 10 days after we hit something and then finally gave out in the middle of Rice Lake. (see Toronto posting)
Sandy and Amy went swimming in the Hudson, just to say they did. it wasn't that warm out for Debbie to get in. We all went swimming in the Erie (warmer weather and anchored the boat just above a lock).
The next day we drove over to the Canadian side to see the Falls from there. We were glad we did. It really is spectacular to see.
I hate to say it, but the Canadian side of Niagara Falls is much bigger and the falls drop further as the American side has a huge pile of rocks at the bottom, filling about half the height of the falls.