Friday, July 6, 2007

NY Natural History museum founded by Teddy Roosevelt on the west edge of central park

there were only two items on all 3 of our lists of things to see in NYC, ground zero and central park. the subway to central park let us out in the basement of NY Natural History museum founded by Teddy Roosevelt [on horse in statue - he has a fascinating life--one quote of a visiting dignitary to the USA was 2 things are amazing, the grand canyon and teddy r.
Josh being eaten by T Rex [a la the mummies]. we spent 5 hours in the museum and did not even get thru 2/3 of the rooms. there was a great universe exhibit showing the sizes of things in order from 10**25 [25th power or 1 and 25 zeros] --the universe size, down to 10**-15 size of a quark, part of an atom. we saw ocean life exhibit with a full size blue whale hanging across the 3 story high room, exhibits on peoples of different continents, a diversity exhibit showing the number and examples of each category of plant and animal. it was very amazing a must see if you go to NYC.

i can't seem to find any pics of central park. but it is great. 3 miles [51 blocks] long and nearly 1 mile wide.

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